Criteria for Grantee Selection
Has 501c3 status
Has a focused and well thought out project plan or use of funds offered with measurable outcomes expected
Has a sustainability plan, if appropriate
Leadership is proven and staff and expertise needed are in place or identified and available
Is a local Bonner County organization or benefits the local community. All funds awarded must remain in Bonner County
Has completed all the required steps in a timely manner
Has demonstrated a compelling need for the services/project to be funded and what would the consequence be if not funded
Presents a budget for the project
Successfully articulated the reasons to support their project/organization
Please note: All Bonner County-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations are welcome to apply.
101 Women grants funding exclusively to non-profits serving Bonner County which do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, age, national origin, mental or physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status in any of its activities or operations
Review Process:
Please note:
Spring: The Spring Grant Cycle focuses on nonprofits providing basic services in our community, including food, clothing, shelter, physical and mental health, and safety.
Fall: The Fall Grant Cycle focuses on nonprofits providing arts, education, recreation, and environmental services in our community.
Applications will be reviewed by a nine-person Grant Committee made up of Members of the Board and members.
Thirty days prior to the membership meeting, three projects/organizations will be presented to the Board for approval to present at the biannual meeting of 101 Women.
On-site visits or personal conversations may be conducted by members of the Grant Committee prior to presenting at the biannual meeting.
Selection Process:
After all three organizations have presented, a vote of the membership will determine the one recipient and the funds will be awarded within 7-10 days of the event date.
Members will be offered a token to cast their vote. One vote per member.
Votes will be tallied and announced before the conclusion of the evening.
Presenters will be notified of the outcome of the membership vote the following day.
Follow Up:
Six months following the award, the selected recipient will be asked to provide an update on their project to the membership at the next membership event.
At twelve months, the award winner will present their outcomes to the membership at the next bi-annual meeting.